
Have you been doing some research into an aspect of military interest? Does it cover a number of pages which makes it too large to be submitted for inclusion in the Newsletter? This page is where you can publish your research. 

You might have carried out some detective work on an item you have acquired, or followed up an interest in a subject and would like to publish your findings. You can submit your work (text and images) as a file and make it available to others via a link on this page. Authors will have their work credited and it will remain their own, but otherwise you will be submitting it solely for the benefit of others to read and perhaps learn something. 

Email your document via THIS LINK, in PDF format please, to me (Ted Gray). I will upload it and readers will then be able to download your story from a short description on the page.

To get things started, I have already uploaded some documents (below). I have been working on a number of projects relating to Peterborough during the Second World War. This might give you some idea of what can be done, but it does not have to be this long, it need not have images, or could be all images. It's up to you.

Removal of Iron Railings in Peterborough in the Second World War. This is a short history of how the railings in Peterborough were removed for salvage during WWII. I have carried out a survey of quite a few locations and added photographs showing where the evidence of removal still exists. Many walls had their railings cut off or simply pulled out and the walls still remain in many locations.

Discovery of a new WWII building in Peterborough and the struggle to get it Grade 2 Listed. A few year ago I stumbled across a WWII 'shelter' on one of Peterborough's main roads which had previously been obscured by undergrowth. This tells to story of my research into what it was, lots of photographs, and how I set out to try and get this very rare building, Grade 2 Listed in order to protect it.


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